Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tuna Food Poising Treatment What Food Could I Eat During The Exam Period To Boost My Consentration Levels? Like Tuna Etc.?

What food could i eat during the exam period to boost my consentration levels? like tuna etc.? - tuna food poising treatment

ID during the tests how much food to eat, like tuna, which for concentration and memory, which you can recommend? thx in advance xx


Narutoxe... said...

Almonds, walnuts, Brazil nuts, walnuts, general support,
Oily fish help
Chocolate in small quantities to you to help if you have a piece of it (like a chocolate bar) once daily Sucking
And lots of vegetables gives you a lot of iron in the blood, without large amounts of iron, which can cause your concentration drop x

Hope this helps:)

Clareel said...

The fish is good if it could be tuna for lunch a sandwich or salad.

Bananas are good - try to make a banana as a snack or breakfast.

Katie S said...

Stay away from caffiene and foods high in sugar!

Eat lots of tuna and almonds u0026lt \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\, 33

Good luck with exams:)

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